The Sunday Guardian, 24th June, 2012
The Afghan expat community is a-twitter, with news that India's Future PM Rahul Gandhi may be ''seriously involved" with a grand-daughter of the late Zahir Shah, the hereditary King of Afghanistan. The charming Afghan princess is even reported to be a converted Christian. Some informants speak of the pair “praying together on Sundays” in what these sources describe as a “home chapel” at the residence of Rahul’s mother. The two have reportedly been seen together in the Aman Hotel in Delhi, which is known to be a regular haunt of the Future PM, who spends hours there in the Fitness Centre, trying to develop biceps that can challenge those of Shah Rukh Khan and Robert Vadra. The young lady from the Afghan royal family is known to be very well brought up, with a gentle mien and a generous nature. Hence, Rahul’s buddies hope that this time around, the Future PM will not walk away from a lady friend (as he has on numerous occasions in the past) but will follow the example of Papa Rajiv when he married Mamma Sonia in 1965. The personable lady could emerge as a key asset for Rahul Gandhi as he seeks to win a fresh mandate for his battered party in 2014. She has undeniable appeal to the upwardly mobile youth vote.
ANy leader marrying an alien culture and once enemy of india should not hold any govt position. We need laws to protect billions indian.
All cultures in India belong in India or are alien depending on your time frame. The Harapans must have thought of the warlike Hindus from the south Russian steppes as alien. After having assimilated these savages, the Dravidians were equally hospitable to the Jews driven out of Jerusalem 2000 years ago, to St Thomas who established Christianity in India before it took root in Europe, to Islam during the days of the Prophet, and everyone else. The Indianised Hindus were a very civilized people till of late when semeticized illiterates are defaming Hinduism by pretending to be Hindu champions for narrow political gains. But even these non-Hindus are tolerated by the great majority.
We need to save our country... Pls dont support such leaders (Infact they are not leaders, they are money eaters). We need our country to become corruption free.
how about posting a pic?
Another Gandhi in the lines of Sonia getting ready to take over reins of our Bharat
Let him do whatever he does but for heaven's sake spare India and let the good things develop
Traditional route of invasion of India has been through Kyber and Bolan Passes. Let there be one more!
it is foreigh hand on nehru family, nehru had connection,indrah gandhi had her own connection,so on sonia came from ourside, rajhiv will also have outsider - amongt 1 billion indian he has to import a wife pity he have much smart brain but he needs much heavy glasses
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